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Overview The upper left contains business info and summary data for Participation, Premium and Commission. The upper right contains individual policies making up the plan The lower left contains contact data. The lower right contains a notes section and CRM features (groups, flags) Policy Level Details Experience Rated Some health plans are experien
The Locations tab contains all locations associated with the insured and WC coverage. It includes FEIN, named insured, address and the year the location was added. Note that we began tracking this 2020, so that is the earliest year you'll see. New locations indicate growth, whether organic or through acquisition. It is helpful to reference the names
Recent Updates (2024)Industry Groups transitioned to NAICS Sub Group categories, added NAICS codes. Retired the 'range' option (2024)Added Tenure (included with the Enhanced Search add-on) - this is how long they've been with their current provider (2023)added 'Movement' - filter by increase/decrease in various price fa
Overview The NAICS look up page lets you search by numerical code or description and is available here - While rarely used in Workers Comp, NAICS codes are wildly specific and provide more information than you'll be able to keep track of. They are organized by major group (first 2 digits) Major Groups As note
Overview The upper left contains business info and summary data for Participation, Assets and Commission. If accountant is available it will also display here The upper right contains high level plan info - assets, contributions, and performance The lower left contains contact data. The lower right contains a notes section and CRM features (groups,
Overview DOT Summary Mileage reportedOperation typeUnit CountDriver CountAuto Carrier & Policy Info (when required)Unit Breakdown DOT summary data is displayed in the Policy Modal Look for this icon in List View: Access DOT data from the orange tabs in the Policy Modal Filtering for records with DOT filings is available with the Premium Search
If you use a VOIP phone, you can likely utilize the click to dial feature. So if you use a service like Zoom Phone or RingCentral you can click on the number instead of dialing. That's why the phone numbers are orange, in case you were wondering. You will need your service's desktop application installed on your computer. If you have a ‘soft phone’
When PEO's are reported, all businesses within the PEO are typically reported with the same class code. Which class code? The one generating the most premium. Who that made sense to when the regulation was being written, we'll never know. And even if we could publicly chastise, it wouldn't change the fact that we still have to deal with it. So if yo
iPhone download Android download Nearby Businesses The mobile app shows businesses in your local vicinity on a map. Note you do to have Location services enabled in the app settings to do so. You can also move the map to see businesses in other areas. You will see a 'Search this area' button appear when you move the map. Perform name searches by cl
Overview The class code look up resource lets you look up class codes by numerical code or description, as well as pull up a list of a given state's approved class codes, and is available here - Class Code Phraseology & Description The individual class code pages include most if not all phraseologies as well
Health Plan Renewals by Month, broken down by state
Overview Location You can search a state by county or zip code radius. Use the orange toggle link to the right of the field to switch between the two. Plan Features This is the type of plan they are enrolled in. Most employers have several (health, dental, etc) so it is particularly helpful if you want to target a less common feature like long-term
Overview Pipeline is your main menu. It includes your saved search and groups, events and active opportunities, as well as the search menu Use the toggle in the upper left corner to switch between data sets Latest Flags The top menu includes a name lookup, Sorting & (flag) Filtering The last activity time and most recent note appear below the co
Report Includes: PEO count by State & Top 20 PEO Providers by Volume
PEO Data Overview There are a couple drawbacks to how coverage is reported when through a PEO, and it can vary. This article covers search considerations, data interpretation, and condenses other PEO information found throughout the guides. The data availability depends on if local regulation requires a 'policy type' indication to be reported. Most
List Printing You can print your list by clicking on Call Sheets at the bottom of your list- Long Call Sheets provide full details: Short Call Sheets abbreviate to fit five records per page: Single Record Printing You can print a single record by clicking on the print button at the bottom of the modal. When printing single records you have the optio
Click on the Saved dropdown tab located in the header menu and choose an option This will display all accounts you have flagged in a list view.
Overview New for 2024 we have built a map view for the online platform. You can view search results of up to 200 records, as well as any of your Flag folders. Got an appointment on the other side of town this week and want to see if there's anyone else worth talking to? That's exactly what this is for. Simply click the map toggle located at the top
Do you use HawkSoft? Now you can download a CMSMT file, which can be imported into your AMS, cutting out a bunch (not all) of manual entry. It's super simple. Setup Go to Settings: Look for the Hawksoft Export toggle and turn it on. How to Use Single-Record Export Button This will change your single record
The Carrier Report enables wide visibility into a particular Carrier Group at a national or state level. See growth or decline at the state and industry level, who they've won and lost business to, rate trends and more. Access from the Tools drop down - Notes on Filtering: Use class or sic code, but
Viewing the Team's activity is available to Master Account holders. There are two ways to view your team's activity: from the Pipeline - Click on the 'Sub Activity' button located in the Latest Flags section Latest Flags Section Will display your team's recently flagged accounts Schedule (Calendar) Will display their scheduled events from the Agen
Many businesses include contact information. Possible fields include Name, Title, Phone, Email and Linkedin profile link. Features The phone numbers are click to dial , if you use a VOIP phone service (most of us do). You can google a phone number by clicking on the magnifying lens next to the number. (deprecated) If the business has operations i
Overview Sync Appointments & Follow Ups that you schedule on Xdate with your work calendar Events optimized for mobile access Flexible settings Available for Google Calendar & Microsoft Outlook Benefits : Eliminate redundancy Minimize double bookings Quickly access prospect information from your mobile device Setting up Integration First nav
Updating Payment Info Master Account holders can update payment info. While logged in to your account go to the Subscriptions page - Click on the 'Update' link located in 'Your Payment Method' located in the upper right. Enter new card info and click update card. The new card will be used for all pay
Overview The Carrier Report focuses on the incumbent at the state level. At a minimum you will be able to view historical renewal volume broken down by industry, Underwriting tier utilization, and a rolling 6 month win/loss record vs. peers. Report Filters PEO records and multi-state policies have been excluded from the counts. This report is intera
Annual Health Plan Renewals by State, broken down by Participation (sorted alphabetically from left to right) Total Policies over Time, broken down by plan type Current Term Filing Completion Gauge Annual Plan Premium Histogram Annual Plan Pie Chart, broken down by Participation Count 4A = Health 4B = Life Ins 4D = Dental 4H = Long-Term Disability 4
X-State X-State summarizes multi-state operations. Below is a description of each section. Account Summary indicates number of states with active coverage, number of carriers and groups providing coverage, average LCM, total premium (as available, by state) and premium change from prior term. Premium & LCM Graph indicate changes over time, broke
Health Plan Details Overview The upper left contains business info and summary data for Participation... Overview The upper left contains business info and summary data for Participation, Premium and Commission. The upper right contains individual policies making up the plan The lower left contains contact data. The lower right contains a notes sect
The Class Report enables wide visibility into a particular Class or SIC code at a national or state level. Find the top writers, who's won or lost the most, what their monthly rate trends look like, and more. Access from the Tools drop down - Notes on Filtering: Use class or sic code, but not both at
Overview The health dash is composed of several graphs summarizing key factors in a historical view - Health Premium-Commission compares the premium paid to commission (separate axis) with active participants overlaid Group Health Changes calculates the premium and commission change from year to year, so the YoY difference of the above chart Broker
Features Anything that is orange does something. At the top left (next to the business name) you'll see web and company page links, and a google name search shortcut. When there are additional names and/or addresses, you'll see a double arrow icon, which will display the additional information. This info is also available in the Locations tab, whic
Overview Sort your list by clicking on any of the row headers icons on left indicate web & company page links icons on right indicate contact info availability as well as a short-form indication (not shown) Click on a business to view plan details List exporting is available at bottom left of page Health Plan Details
Overview Sort your list by clicking on any of the row headers icons on left indicate web & company page links icons on right indicate contact info availability as well as a short-form indication (not shown) Click on a business to view plan details List exporting is available at bottom left of page Retirement Plan Details
Overview TalkPoint was created for users to leverage a prospect's potential pain points and provide factual information of the reason you think there is a beneficial opportunity. We do this by analyzing available data points like LCM filings, Premium to employee count, and incumbent carrier performance with a pool of their peers (ranging in size of
Overivew LossRunner was created in 2021 and is used for generating Loss Run Release forms as well as carrier request contact management, with an emphasis on keeping the incumbent agent unaware. Our 2025 update now includes a 1 step E-Signature process for your prospect, and automated carrier request routing (currently via email only). So if the pro
Overview Xdate's Zapier app enables you to send data to your other systems, as well as finding a company in our database and updating or adding data fields to your system that triggered the look up. For example, you could simply create a new lead in AgencyZoom when the Save flag is used, or have a notification sent to marketing when you use the Quo
Overview Accessed from the header menu Totally overhauled in 2021 (and tweaked mid-2022), AgencyDash is a real-time report of activity. If you are a Master (main) account holder you have a birds eye view of your team's effort over time, aggregated with industry and class, incumbent carrier, location, and even the day of week/time of day. It is full
Accessing Settings Click on the drop down arrow in the upper right header menu and select 'Settings' User Account Settings Agent Accounts cannot change their email address, this must be done by the Master Account holder (purchaser) Assign To Fields The assign fields are to enable a small amount of communication between different production units. Fo
Overview Inspection Info Dates Open date is the date of inspectionModification date is the most recent activity regarding the inspectionLoad date is when the data file was last processed Inspection Type Inspections are typically planned, but will also include referral, employee complaint, reported incident, etc. Planned inspections (also known as pr
Overview Our CRM integrations allow users to push individual accounts to their respective CRM system (HubSpot, Salesforce) including company details such as carrier, xdate, etc, as well as contacts and notes. While this integration can also update existing records, there are caveats to the process that our outside our control, and are detailed in a
Retirement Plan Renewals by Month, broken down by State
Overview Pipeline is your main menu. It includes your saved search and groups, events and active opportunities, as well as the search menu Latest Flags The top menu includes a name lookup, Sorting & (flag) Filtering The Renewal Date, last activity time and most recent note appear below the company. Click to view the Policy details The Sub Activi
Overview List View Fields Name, address, industry code and expiration date are available for all states. Additionally, select fields will appear if available including Exp Mod, LCM filing and Premium. Hover your mouse over the value to view a tooltip (label). Note that PEO's will always use an SIC code, even if class code is available in the sta
Overview Downloading Search Results can be downloaded by clicking the Export button located at the bottom of your List View Single Record Export You can export a single record from the modal ( business details section ) Location Schedule Export You can export the Location schedule from the Locations tab Export File CSV Not to be confused with an
Overview Groups are created & assigned in the Account Details modal If the group exists just click to assign. If it does not, you can create it by clicking the Group button in the bottom tray Groups are accessed from your Pipeline where you can toggle saved searches & groups Groups offer more specific list segmentation. Use to keep track of
Overview The General Liability code look up resource lets you look up by numerical code or description, and is available here - In addition to the general description for the code, there is also a cross-reference available for commonly associated WC class codes , SICs & NAICS .
Overview Notifications build and expand on the various change tracking we already display by, as the name implies, adding notification of the change as well as a way to surface the one's relevant to you. Notification Page Access Click on the 'bell' icon located in the header menu- List Filters Filter the list by notification type, source or state u
Overview The class report focuses on the carriers writing this class in your state - retention, new biz and lost biz. It provides annual trends at the carrier group level, indicating the net change in volume year over year to spot the winners and losers over time for the top 10/15 carrier groups. Depending on the state you are in it will also includ
Overview SIC Code Look Ups are performed in the same manner as most others, you can search by numerical code or description, and is available here - They are organized by the Primary Group (first two digits) so you can also see what operations are contemplated under Agricultural Production Crops, for example -
Overview All states have a market of last resort, for some it's a State Fund, others it is the Assigned Risk market. In states that have a State Fund, you'll see it in the carrier selection. For A/R, it is a Policy filter. Assigned Risk Rates In most states there is an assigned rate for this market, so the Carrier LCM can more or less be disregarde
Overview (2024 update) Master Account holders can now view their Team's notes (see below) (2023 update) The Notes page provides a list of all the accounts you have left a note on. The list is ordered descending by the date the note was made. Access Access the Notes page via the Flags dropdown button located in the upper right header menu- View The
Overview (2023 update) You can now edit or update multiple records at once. This can be done from a List View (search results), Group, Flag or Note folders. So anywhere there is a list, you can do it. Record Selection You can select individual records from a list, or select all on the page. You can select more by scrolling to other pages before maki
The Carrier Comparison lets you compare up to 5 carriers side by side. Drill down by class or SIC, and state. Access from the Tools drop down - Notes on Filtering: Use class or sic code, but not both at the same time. Doing so just eliminates the states without a class code. 20 states have clas
Overview You can now send emails directly from the policy details page, without leaving your list. It is not set up as an email campaign system, rather to send those typical one-offs that come up while making sales calls. Like an appointment confirmation, or sending agency literature following a conversation or voicemail. Setup First you'll need to
Report includes: Active WC Policies by State Policies matched to Enhanced Data - OSHA, DOT, & Group Benefits PEO Policy & Provider identification
CRM - Scheduled Events, Flags & Notes Overview Events & Flag Stages Schedule Follow Ups or Appointments, as well as... Overview Events & Flag Stages Schedule Follow Ups or Appointments, as well as Flag accounts from the Account Details Follow Ups & Appointments appear in the calendar section of your Pipeline Other Flags (Contacted,
Overview Location You can search a state by county or zip code radius. Use the orange toggle link to the right of the field to switch between the two. Delete Plan Features These are the features of the retirement plan such as ESOP, 401(k), self-employed, etc. Particularly helpful for identifying atypical plan types. Delete Industry Benefit data sets
Overview The Retirement Dash summarizes Assets, Performance & Commission, Participation, Feature and Provider history. Asset Summary This chart compares beginning and ending assets. Hovering over a term will provide a tooltip with the hard numbers. If the line is above the bar, the plan is growing, if below shrinking. Performance Summary This ch
Notes Notes are the most used feature on Xdate. Next year's volume of opportunities is influenced heavily by this year's work, so take advantage of it with this feature. To make a note just type in the 'make a note' field. Remember to press enter, which actually logs the note. Like contact data, notes are visible to all team members on the same Age
This is due to how PEO policies are reported. The total premium of a given PEO is reported for ALL businesses in the PEO.
As you type the name of a business the system begins offering a list of possibilities. Sometimes you'll see the business name here but when you actually try to search it, you get 0 results. This means our system has identified it to be outside the state you are searching. Switch the state toggle from 'in-state' to 'all' and try again. Check out this
Column Order: WC Renewal Primary WC Class Code Loss Cost SIC Code FEIN WC Carrier LCM Filing Policy # WC Premium Incumbent Agency Payroll Mod Assigned Risk
Annual Retirement Plan Renewals by State, broken down by Participation Total Policies over time, broken down by Plan Feature Current Term Filing Completion Gauge Annual Plan Asset Histogram Annual Plan Participation Pie Chart